JAMS Resource Center

The new Resource Center (RC) building has been largely completed and the finishing touches regarding flooring and electrical work are being done now.

The RC houses a computer lab and a new, larger library space for the students and teachers. School founders Teresa Wasonga and Andrew Otieno plan on at least 30 computers for the new lab, making possible computer literacy classes and online research and other enrichment for the students. The new library will enable the addition of more textbooks, reference books, and general literature.

Over the past two years, donors to Friends of JAMS have given $35,000 to the Resource Center Fund. This generosity means that JAMS can buy computers, tables, desks, chairs, bookcases, and pay for the equipment and fees needed to connect the computer lab to the internet. Thank you, donors!!

The RC also houses a large meeting room that will provide space for community education in agricultural and business skills in addition to school functions. A store front will serve local customers who buy eggs, milk, bread, and vegetables from the on-campus micro-enterprises. And, finally, the school principal and teachers will have their own offices!

JAMS Resource Center

JAMS Resource Center