JAMS agriculture class outdoor session

In Kenya, even public high schools require parents to pay tuition, fees, and room and board, so public school is not an option for our scholarship students.

We hope that you will support girls at JAMS in recognition of Giving Tuesday, the global day of generosity, held this year on November 30, 2021.

We aim to hold A Taste of Kenya in 2022 but not this fall, due to COVID-19. Instead, we are asking for donations, online and by mail, to support the JAMS Class of 2025.

JAMS Form One Computer Science Class

The new first-year students will enter JAMS in April of 2022. Our goal is to raise 20 new scholarships to support bright girls who are orphans or whose parents cannot pay tuition. The need has grown; many families can no longer afford school fees because their small businesses have gone under during the pandemic.

In Kenya, even public high schools require parents to pay tuition, fees, and room and board, so public school is not an option for our scholarship students.

Can you help us raise the $16,000 needed for these scholarships? You can give in two ways.

Gifts of any amount are very welcome and make a difference. A full-year’s scholarship is $800 and provides tuition, room and board, clothes, school supplies, and medical care. You can become a sponsor of an individual student when you give $400 or more; you will receive letters and grade reports from her.

JAMS class in session

JAMS provides a life-changing experience to bright young women in western Kenya.

In addition to taking courses which prepare them for the national exams that determine eligibility for college, the students learn skills like gardening, baking, sewing, dairying, and animal husbandry that enable them to start their own businesses and/or improve their families’ farms. JAMS students report that few of the girls they grew up with attend high school, much less graduate and go on to college.

A quiet moment with her book at JAMS

JAMS students feel very grateful for their opportunity to get an education. They study diligently, achieve high scores on national exams, and they graduate aware of their potential to make the world a better place.

Competition for JAMS scholarships is intense; in 2021, JAMS received 102 applications for the 27 scholarships allocated to the incoming class. The founders screen the applicants carefully to select promising students likely to make the most of the opportunity to attend high school.

Your support of scholarships on Giving Tuesday will enable JAMS to continue to provide high quality education at this crucial time in Kenya.

Please help us change the world, one girl at a time!