JAMS student, family and teacher

Good news! We have raised 85% of the funds required to earn the matching pool and raise the funds needed to cover the extra costs of keeping JAMS going during the COVID school shutdown. Can you help us get to 100%? Your donation will be doubled HERE.

JAMS Form 4 (senior) student studying at home

Why are we raising a COVID-19 Emergency Fund? So JAMS can continue long-distance instruction and wellness checks with our students and maintain the buildings and the microenterprises on campus. Our goal is to get a 100% student return rate when Kenyan schools reopen in January and to have the campus ready to go on January 1, 2021.

School founder and director Dr. Teresa Wasonga explains that “school is critical for over 90% of students at JAMS because they depend on school for their wellbeing as well as their education.” The twice-weekly wellness checks and instruction have succeeded in keeping the girls hopeful and involved and the teachers have been able to help when students’ needs have been urgent.

School founder Dr. Teresa Wasonga speaking to students at JAMS

Dr. Wasonga says, “Our students have stayed connected. They feel valued and cared for; they are engaged and busy with schoolwork; and they have stayed positive despite the difficulties. Parents have expressed appreciation for what we are doing, specifically the fact that we have created high expectations and the children are occupied with schoolwork and not distracted. We believe our actions are making a difference for our children.”

Thank you for giving to the JAMS COVID-19 Emergency Fund and changing the world one girl at a time!