JAMS Solar panel installation

Sustainable development can take many forms. JAMS is working to become more sustainable both economically and environmentally. Sometimes the same efforts accomplish both. For example, JAMS has added more solar collectors this year. A clean source of electricity, on-site solar is also more economical to install and maintain than running new electrical lines from distant (and less reliable) power plants. It’s an example of leapfrog technology, by-passing an older and more expensive method of electrification in rural areas for a cleaner and more efficient source.

JAMS staff open a box of solar panels

Another example of leapfrog technology that is spreading rapidly in Kenya (and throughout Africa) is the mobile revolution. Cell phones are accessible and cell phone use is widespread. With cell phone use has come the popularity of mobile payment systems and digital banking. Now, better communication and financial services are available to almost everyone, and Kenya is poised to move to an information economy.

When schools were closed during the pandemic, JAMS teachers sent lessons by mobile phones several times a week to students who submitted their homework and quizzes also by phone. Persuading parents and village chiefs that these girls need access to mobile phones presented a challenge for JAMS staff, but eventually phones were in the hands of every student, including the girl pictured below speaking with her teacher from home. They did not fall behind on their studies. Friends of JAMS donors purchased cell phones and minutes for staff and students through its COVID emergency fund.

JAMS Form One student speaking with teacher from home

The girls educated at JAMS will be ready to take full advantage of new opportunities. After all, they are learning to ask questions and solve problems, which are essential skills for success in a rapidly changing information economy.

JAMS is also expanding into bio-gas. By adding bio-digesters they will be able to transform livestock waste products into energy to power cooking and other essential activities around the campus. JAMS’ dairy, piggery, and poultry house produce a bountiful supply of waste for bio-gas.

Biogas Assembly

Investing in more solar collectors and biodigesters now will enable enrollment to increase without sacrificing evening study time or time in the computer lab. Change is inevitable, but with sustainable solar energy and bio-gas, the future is bright and secure.

To learn more, see Yayboke, E., Crumpler, W., & Carter, W. A. (2020). The Need for a Leapfrog Strategy. Center for Strategic and International Studies. The Need for a Leapfrog Strategy (csis.org).