Visitors from the Museum of Kenya and interns from Maseno University visited JAMS in May 2024 for presentations and discussion related to historical anthropology and to education in general.

Historical Anthropologists at JAMS

In addition to explaining the museum and their work, the guests requested that JAMS students be allowed to visit the Museum at the Fort Ternan archeological site, where the eight university students are currently doing internships. This site is where Kenyapithecus, an ancient ape fossil, was discovered by Louis and Mary Leakey in 1961. It also houses the fossils and skull of Australopithecus Boiser, an early example of homo erectus.

History careers

After the presentation, there was a question and discussion session focusing on careers in archeology, history studies at the university, and ways to succeed in education. These issues came up in discussion.

Success: How JAMS students can better their academic performance, specifically in History and Government

Career Guidance: Explanation of career opportunities in History and Government with the following examples – Law, Archeology and Paleontology, Anthropology, and Education.

Social Education: Female students (3) in the group shared what life is like for girls inside and outside the university. They encouraged and urged JAMS students to work hard to secure a place at institutions of higher learning.

The guests were impressed with JAMS students, noting that they asked relevant questions and displayed courage. After a tour of the campus, they also praised the facilities at JAMS, particularly mentioning the greenhouses and the school’s investment in water catchment.

Since most JAMS students would be first generation to college students, they have little knowledge or guidance about higher education or about career possibilities. JAMS leadership is working to bring more career education speakers to campus. They are also providing information to students about possibilities for them in technical institutes and at universities.

A trip to the Kenya National Museum at Ft. Ternan is now being planned for interested students.